Chrissy  Gray-Rodriguez » Google Classroom Codes / Remote Learning Access and Policies

Google Classroom Codes / Remote Learning Access and Policies

You can use the class links on my teacher web page for quick access, but in order for work to be graded, you must log on through Google Classroom first, using the below codes to be on the grading roster. Assignments must be photographed and sent through the Visual Art Google Classroom for your grade level for grading.
You must include your full name and room # (or section for 6-8th grade)
K-2 does not have access to date, look for class enrichment tabs on this web page. Assignments for K-2 are also sent to the homeroom teachers as well and have been included in the weekly assignments and Choice Boards. 
Visual Arts Enrichment and Extra Credit: uchexss
Visual Arts 8th grade: vxhbnkc
Visual Arts 7th grade: (non-graded, enrichment only) 2uv2qha
Visual Arts 6th grade: xfkvnjn
Visual Arts 5th grade: mouaamy
Visual Arts 4th grade: fo7anpq
Visual Arts 3rd grade: gejlnmh
(Classes below are not available currently, see above)
Visual Arts 2nd grade: 5wceeeo
Visual Arts 1st grade: h6sma51
Visual Arts Kindergarten: yvnbngt