The week of 4/20/2020

Hello Second Graders!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing weekend! Here is the choice board for this week. Unlike last week's choice board, this week's choice board has ALL of the choice activities hyperlinked so when you click on the blue underlined text, it will take you directly to the activity page(s).
One thing to remember when opening the choice board is to click on the "VIEW ORIGINAL" text that appears on the bottom of the window or you will not be able to open the hyperlinks. Please see the "Seesaw/Choice Board Video Tutorial" I uploaded for you onto Seesaw (about 9 min. long) if you need further explanation on how to use Seesaw and open and use the choice board this week.
Remember to do Raz-Kids and Reflex Math every day and to pick 2 additional reading and math activities for the whole week from the choice board. You will only need to pick 1 writing, science, and social studies activity this week. Please also try to pick one enrichment/social-emotional activity to do daily.
When you are done with all of the activities of your choice from each subject, complete the journal reflection prompt that is listed as a separate activity in Seesaw.
I had a great time looking through all of your work from last week. You all made me SO proud by showing great effort and so much creativity in the work that you submitted to me.
I hope you all enjoy the choice board activities planned for this week! I miss you all so very much and wish we were in school learning together! Stay healthy and have a wonderful week!
-Mrs. Bania-Moore